What Really Happened

Part 2

Claude Frollo partially regained consciousness; his head felt as if...what was her expression? Run over by a MAC truck. Even in his half-dazed state, Claude managed to smile at the thought of his 14th FSM. I wonder if I'll ever see her again...
All alone in his dungeon cell, Claude couldn't help but think about what was going on up there. Have they managed to reduce Paris to ashes? When will they come get me? How much time do I have left? Oh, how I wish I was with my darling...damn those two! I knew Malus would be involved...I hope his younger siblings never find out...
Claude's bearings were returning as he focused on ways to escape. That fake probably has Phoebus and the others duped as well. I wish I hadn't locked that away...I would surely extract myself from this horrid situation....
At that moment, Claude Frollo's eyes fell on a shiny object partially buried in the straw. What is this? Some valuable left by a prisoner? Impossible! Valuables are always confiscated...
Claude's hands pushed the straw aside. He gasped in amazement. It was that silver pager!
Immediately he grasped it, and sighed with relief, "I didn't lock it away after all. It must've fallen out of my pocket, when they threw me in here!" Claude flipped the pager open. Now...I really should send a message...Is she still in Paris? Claude Frollo shuddered at the thought of his beloved Danisha, harmed by that fake Malus and his friend hired. I swear if he's harmed her in any way...

Claude's fingers began to press buttons. Oh, please let this work...
At that moment, he heard voices outside the door. Claude quickly hid the pager under the straw, then pretended to just come out of his drugged state. I want my mind as sharp as a tack...I want to see my captors...
The door creaked open; two men strolled into Claude's cell. He knew these men now! One, the so-called gypsy 'king'; the other --- I would have known ---Malus!
"I must say, Malus", began the gypsy, "I do believe His Grace is need of some 'good news'." Malus laughed as Claude feigned what Nisha called "being swimmy-headed".
Claude faked a perfect stammer as he said, "W-Where am I? Oooh, my h-head..." I hope they fall for this... Malus knelt at Claude's feet; his evil-sounding laughter grated on Claude's nerves.
"Every citizen of Paris is ready to hang you. It's burning, Your Honor----all of Paris is in flames. And all because of a woman!" The gypsy king laughed as well. "I must say, Claude Frollo", began the gypsy, "our little scheme nearly backfired." Malus bitterly said, "Yeah, who'd thought my 'gallant cousin' Phoebus would have a conscience."
Claude looked at the men in puzzlement. "What about Phoebus?", Claude asked warily.
"Oh, he started getting heroic on us. When 'Frollo' ordered him to burn the miller's home..." Claude interrupted, "What? I would never order such a thing!" The gypsy said, "Well, he did. And when Phoebus refused, 'Frollo' torched the house himself and had Phoebus executed." Oh no! They've killed Phoebus?
Malus waved his hands in the air as he said with some disgust, "He got away, though. Only to end up at the bottom of the river." Malus feigned sorrow, saying, "Poor Phoebus. Alas, my cousin...gone."
With that, Malus laughed as the gypsy said, "Let us return to the Court of Miracles. We have one more loose end to take care of." Claude worriedly asked, "And just who is this 'loose end'?"
Malus crisply replied, "A certain bellringer." The gypsy immediately added that, "Quasimodo has proven to be quite a liability. He's so caught between his loyalties--- that of his master AND a certain gypsy dancer. If I know our Esmeralda, she's paying Quasimodo a visit as we speak. Our 'Frollo' will cause the poor boy such anguish, that your faithful bellringer will risk his life to save her."

Claude was now truly worried. Not only are they planning to kill me, but they're planning to harm Quasimodo! I've got to find someway out of here!
Both men then left Claude, but Malus said, just before he locked the door. "If I know Quasi, he'll go straight to the Court of Miracles, warning the gypsies of 'Frollo's' planned attack." Malus locked the door and said, "And we'll be ready for him!"

All alone in his cell, Claude pulled the pager out from under the straw. I have to get a message to my beloved....I hope she's still in Paris...if not...there's always this red button...
Claude began pushing buttons, hoping that all was not lost. Come on....My life, Quasimodo's life, depends on your swift action, my dearest...

On to Part 3!

Copyright©1997 by FrolloFreak FSM #14

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