CWFR Visitor Feedback
Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you are enjoying the fan fiction and fun. I appreciate feedback on this site's contents, so please take a few seconds to complete my Visitor Survey. When you are finished, you will be redirected to a "Success" page then to my home page. From there, you may return to this site or visit any of the others.
WEBMISTRESS' NOTE: This form goes with all my sites. Please note all fields are REQUIRED fields. Your email address MUST be entered twice and it MUST be valid -- NO makeup addresses! MyContactForm will screen out bogus addresses. This is to keep out the spammers. Also, there is no textarea for entering additional comments. Again, an anti-spam precaution. All site commentary can be sent via personal email or posted on my board.
One more thing: Do NOT submit repeatedly. The form host allows just up to 20 submissions per month. Thanks!
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