All this hard work isn't all mine! Well, when one writes fan fiction it's only fair to acknowledge those sources that make it possible. It's also fair to warn potential readers of content.
Copyright Info
HoND fanfiction is based upon the Disney movie of the same name, which is based upon the novel Notre-Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo. All characters and situations other than my own are sole property of the Disney Corporation [Copyright©1996].
Dinosaur fanfiction is based upon the Disney movie of the same name. All characters and situations other than my own are sole property of Disney [Copyright©2000].
Land Before Time fanfiction is based upon the movies of the same name. All characters and situations other than my own are sole property of Don Bluth and Universal Studios. [Copyright©1988 to present]
Content Disclaimer
This site contains stories that attract a wide variety of readers. Almost all my fanfiction is told from an African American baby boomer perspective; even the Dinosaur fanfic has that "soulful" touch. :-)
Although the core audience consists of African American females ages 30 to 55, several young persons (14 to 25) of all persuasions & backgrounds visit this site. For those in this second, younger, group, please heed the following:
- My fanfiction ranges from "historical drama" to "historical sci-fi/fantasy" to "prehistorical fantasy". Since some of my stories are set in actual historical periods, accuracy is important. Those elements are researched but some information gets lost in the shuffle. Hence, "historical sci-fi/fantasy".
- Most of my fanfiction ranges from "G" to "PG-13". My HoND/Frollo fanfic contains a fair amount of mature themes (ethnic conflict and mild violence – Hey, we're talking 15th Century France)
The Dinosaur fanfiction ranges from "G" to "PG" -- some stories may contain mild violence. e.g, carnotaur attacks
- All my ORIGINAL characters and situations are mine, AND MINE ALONE! Use of them by anyone other that myself is strictly prohibited unless one writes for permission.
I think that's it! Return to the Home Page and enjoy the stories.