
Updated April 7, 2010

The author/webmistress wishes to thank the following for providing the necessary tools that keep this site going.

I've had this little machine since April 1997, without it I wouldn't have stumbled on all those fabulous Frollo sites. And I wouldn't have had the courage or means to write those initial fanfic offerings. Though I've moved on to the computer years ago, I still drag out the little black box when needed.

The FrolloZone
The F'Zone was the FIRST of its kind – Totally devoted to Judge Frollo and everything associated with him. It's still #1! Thanks to Belladonna and Aranxta for created the Ultimate in Frollo-on-the-Web.
NOTE: Unfortunately the F-Zone has been offline way too long. However, you can still view most pages via Internet Wayback Machine. Just type in in the search box. Although it's gone, the F'Zone is still #1.

Webby Warehouse
I needed a webtv-friendly host to house all these pages! Hooray for WWH, one of the best webbie hosts on the 'Net. Brian Abbott is very nice and really knows his stuff. :-)

Tripod for providing the backup archive.
Sought out this place for crash HTML course. I learned a lot from Draac -- I'm still learning. He had the best collections of web graphics, backgrounds, and more. That's where I got a lot of my backs and animated gifs. Too bad Draac's Gifs 123 is gone. :-(

PaulErickson's WebTV Tutorials
Another prime resource on every thing from HTML to audioscopes to CC&P to color resources. Next to Draac, I've relied on Erickson's site for nearly everything I've learned about web design with my WebTV.

Keeps all WebTV users abreast of current developments and concerns. This place is THE voice for WebTV junkies.

Dreambook, WebCounter, HTMLCounter, Boards2Go, CGI Spy
For providing the coolest guestbooks, counters, bulletin boards, and other webtools.

The following provided the dynamic text headings and title graphics:
Banner Generator, CoolText, FlamingText

Using WebTV means to use a transloader to get the graphics from there to here. Thanks to the following:
Freeloader, Transloader by Bloke, Riverdrift, Ult-tex

Wait, there's more!

Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library and IUPUI Libraries
For information systems (when I needed to research historical, cultural, or demographic data) and the use of their computer resources, i.e., word processors, Firefox and IE web browsers, Frontpage, Dreamweaver, and FTP programs.

IndyGO Transit
For keeping the #3, #10, and #37 routes going strong, especially on weekends. I became a regular rider on Saturdays, and the occasional Sunday. Thanks for extending service into the evenings too, when those trips to the public library and campus PC lab became more frequent. :-)

Thanks to Marsh Supermarkets and O'Malia Food Markets
For keeping me in food and drink 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Writing can make one awfully hungry!

Kabalarians Names Reports
With more than 500,000 names in every language imaginable. It is THE major resource for most of my characters' names.

SCA and Medieval Naming Guides
Everything Middle Ages, and naming my 15th Century characters.

Medieval History at
Probably one of the best general resources for medieval studies.

Writing Fix is primarily geared to school kids and teachers, but I love this site. Great right-brained prompts and ideas for generating short stories. I use this tool all the time.

Seventh Sanctum is wonderful! Generators for every writing and RPG project.

Writer's Resources #1 & Resources #2
Crazedwriter's Writing Links
My own links pages of nearly every tool and resource used to help me write all these stories – fanfiction and original fics.

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